Viewing Issues 1 - 25 / 682

    PIDProjectSeverityStatusResolutionTarget VersionUpdated Summary
  0002766SkyChart minor
open24-10-02Plus d'affichage d'étoiles, juste le fond de ciel et les objets non stellaires.
feedback (Patrick Chevalley)
open24-09-29M series version on Mac
fixed24-09-24Plantage en ajoutant ou modifiant un OBJET PERSONNEL
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
no change required24-09-24Richiesta caratteristiche CdC 4.3 beta
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed24-09-24Access violation error - results with debug version
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed24-09-24VO Exoplanets Add-on doesn't seem to work as of later beta versions.
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed24-09-24SH2 objects from VO 'Catalogue of HII regions' are not found
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
no change required24-09-24b'MOVESCOPEH RA:15.994166666666667 Failed! out of range\r\n'
open24-09-24GETSCOPERADEC S/F Return current telescope coordinates, string or float format
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed24-09-23When I click 'Set Time' after connecting the telescope, the CdC immediately shuts down.
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed24-09-16Pressing "Show Pictures" generates an error when the zip version is installed
assigned (Patrick Chevalley)
open24-09-04Enable SIN Slant orthographic projection for Field Number 7, 8 , 9 and 10
assigned (Patrick Chevalley)
open4.424-08-22Greek star letters in catalogs
assigned (Patrick Chevalley)
open24-08-19Unable to retrieve spice ephemeris for spacecraft JUICE
feedback (Patrick Chevalley)
open24-08-14HiDPI Issues on Linux
duplicate24-08-02Skycharts fail to install because libpango1.0-0 is not installable on Debian sid
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed24-08-02skychart_4.2.1-4073_amd64.deb fails to install on Ubuntu 24.04
open24-06-24Make a new release?
fixed24-06-19Can't update GRS position from JUPOS project
fixed24-06-16skychart_4.3-4852_arm64.deb install fails (packaging issue)
fixed24-06-14StarsNames_zh_CN.txt (Simplified Chinese star common names) file in wrong format
fixed24-06-13Comet Name
no change required24-05-19Buongiorno. Non riesco a visualizzare le effemeridi del Sole oltre il 3000 BCE. Come fare? Grazie
fixed24-04-20Msg indiquant problème d'imprimante, puis aucune carte affichée, ni outil
fixed24-04-20Blank screen due to printer error