Viewing Issues 1 - 25 / 694

    PIDProjectSeverityStatusResolutionTarget VersionUpdated Summary
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed24-12-02Problems with position window
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed24-12-02Non affichage de tous les labels de date en mode simulation
feedback (Patrick Chevalley)
open24-11-29Label does not appear on chart
feedback (Patrick Chevalley)
open24-11-29putting cursor on the chart does sometimes does not provide a pull down that will move the scope
feedback (Patrick Chevalley)
open24-11-28M series version on Mac
open24-11-26BCE event date are late compared to similar CE event date
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed24-11-23Portions of some menu selection driven popup windows are not visible on macOS
open24-11-20Problème d'affichage des labels de déclinaisons
open24-11-20Problème d'affichage des grilles équatoriales
no change required24-11-20This error happens on beta 4891 and 4892 but not on 4890 to which I have rolled back on ASCOM 7.1
assigned (Patrick Chevalley)
open24-10-28Plus d'affichage d'étoiles, juste le fond de ciel et les objets non stellaires.
feedback (Patrick Chevalley)
open24-10-22Chart labels won’t be renamed
open24-10-22impossibilité d 'afficher les cométes
  0002769SkyChart minor
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
duplicate24-10-22Windows 11 Famille
fixed24-09-24Plantage en ajoutant ou modifiant un OBJET PERSONNEL
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
no change required24-09-24Richiesta caratteristiche CdC 4.3 beta
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed24-09-24Access violation error - results with debug version
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed24-09-24VO Exoplanets Add-on doesn't seem to work as of later beta versions.
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed24-09-24SH2 objects from VO 'Catalogue of HII regions' are not found
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
no change required24-09-24b'MOVESCOPEH RA:15.994166666666667 Failed! out of range\r\n'
open24-09-24GETSCOPERADEC S/F Return current telescope coordinates, string or float format
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed24-09-23When I click 'Set Time' after connecting the telescope, the CdC immediately shuts down.
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed24-09-16Pressing "Show Pictures" generates an error when the zip version is installed
assigned (Patrick Chevalley)
open24-09-04Enable SIN Slant orthographic projection for Field Number 7, 8 , 9 and 10
assigned (Patrick Chevalley)
open4.424-08-22Greek star letters in catalogs