====== The bar at the left ====== {{en:documentation:barre_gauche.jpg }} ===== Set date and time ===== * {{en:documentation:i45.png|}} **Set date and time** is a shortcut for **Setup -> [[date_time|Date / Time]]**. \\ \\ ===== Observatory ===== * {{en:documentation:i85.png|}} **Set observatory location** is a shortcut for **Setup -> [[menusetup#observatory|Observatory]]**. \\ \\ ===== Setup ===== * {{en:documentation:i10.png|}} **Configure the program** is similar way to get to **[[menusetup|Setup]]**. \\ \\ ===== Coordinate System group ===== * {{en:documentation:i71.png|}} **Equatorial coordinate** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Chart coordinate system -> [[menuchart#chart_coordinate_system|Equatorial coordinate]]**. * {{en:documentation:i72.png|}} **Alt-Az coordinate** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Chart coordinate system -> [[menuchart#chart_coordinate_system|Alt-Az coordinate]]**. * {{en:documentation:i73.png|}} **Ecliptic coordinate** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Chart coordinate system -> [[menuchart#chart_coordinate_system|Ecliptic coordinate]]**. * {{en:documentation:i74.png|}} **Galactic coordinate** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Chart coordinate system -> [[menuchart#chart_coordinate_system|Galactic coordinate]]**.\\ Equinox and epoch settings can be done by **Setup -> [[chart_coordinates#type_of_coordinates| Chart, Coordinates]]** \\ \\ ===== Transformation Group ===== * {{en:documentation:i15.png|}} **Miror horizontally** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Transformation -> [[menuchart#transformation|Miror horizontally]]** (the icon changes to red if the chart is mirrored). * {{en:documentation:i17.png|}} **Miror vertically** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Transformation -> [[menuchart#transformation|Miror vertically]]** (the icon changes to red if the chart is mirrored). * {{en:documentation:i21.png|}} **Rotate right** rotates the chart 15° clockwise, is a shortcut for **Chart -> Transformation -> [[menuchart#transformation|Rotate right]]**. See also Main bar -> **[[position_and_field_of_vision|Position]]**. * {{en:documentation:i22.png|}} **Rotate left** rotates the chart 15° counter-clockwise, is a shortcut for **Chart -> Transformation -> [[menuchart#transformation|Rotate left]]**. See also Main bar -> **[[position_and_field_of_vision|Position]]**.