FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.**\\ ====== La mappa ====== ===== Contenuto della guida ===== * **[[quick_start_guide|Installazione]]** * **La mappa** * **[[quick_start_solar_system|Il sistema solare]]** * **[[quick_start_deep_sky|Oggetti del cielo profondo]]** * **[[quick_start_telescope|Guidare un telescopio]]** * **[[quick_start_server|Cartes du Ciel come un server di applicazioni]]** Quando si avvia //Cartes du Ciel-SkyChart//, esso si presenterà così: {{en:documentation:cdc.jpg|Cartes du Ciel-SkyChart Window}} ===== Posizione e ora dell'osservazione ===== Nella finestra di dialogo **Configurazione -> [[observatory|Osservatore]]** (o con l'icona {{en:documentation:i85.png|}} nella barra laterale a sinistra)è possibile scegliere un paese e una città vicino la vostra posizione. **//Avanzate =>//** È possibile allargare la propria scelta scaricando posizioni più dettagliate e/o creando nuove posizioni, vedere **[[observatory|Osservatore]]**. Per impostazione predefinita, quando //Cartes du Ciel-SkyChart// si avvierà la prima volta, prenderà il tempo del sistema per calcolare le posizioni degli oggetti. \\ In **Configurazione -> [[date_time|Data/Ora]]** (o con l'icona {{en:documentation:i45.png}} nella barra laterale a sinistra), è possibile impostare la data e l'ora desiderate. \\ Con il gruppo icone {{en:documentation:simulation_temps.jpg|}} nella barra principale, è possibile modificare passo dopo passo l' ora. **//Avanzate =>//** È possibile simulare il movimento degli oggetti solari sulla mappa, vedere **[[date_time#time_simulation|Simulazione del tempo]]** ===== Linee / Griglie ===== Nella finestra di dialogo **Cartina -> [[menuchart#chart_coordinate_system|Sistema di coordinate della cartina]]** o con le icone {{en:documentation:i71.png|}}, {{en:documentation:i72.png|}}, {{en:documentation:i73.png|}}, {{en:documentation:i74.png|}} nella barra laterale a sinistra, è possibile scegliere tra quattro sistemi di coordinate: * Equatoriale * Alt-Az (predefinito) * Eclittica * Galattica Per esempio, è possibile mostrare la griglia equatoriale insieme con la griglia Alt-Az sulla cartina da **Cartina -> Linee/griglia -> [[menuchart#lines_grid|Mostra linea equatoriale]]** o l'icona {{en:documentation:i24.png|}} nel pannello oggetti.\\ Lo stesso pannello oggetti contiene le seguenti icone: {{en:documentation:i65.png|}}, {{en:documentation:i66.png|}}, {{en:documentation:i67.png|}}, {{en:documentation:i68.png|}}, queste consentono di visualizzare le linee costellazioni, i limiti di costellazione, l'equatore galattico e l'eclittica. È anche possibile modificare la proiezione per la carta, vedere la pagina [[projection_comparison|Confronto delle proiezioni]]. **//Avanzate =>//** È possibile impostare altre opzioni in **Configurazione -> [[chart_coordinates|Cartina, coordinate]]**. ===== Horizon, Position ===== If you want to see sky in one of cardinal points, you can use **Chart -> [[menuchart#view_horizon|View Horizon]]** or one of the N, S,E, W icons in the right bar. \\ If you want to see the local zenith in the center of the chart, use the {{en:documentation:i41.png|}} icon in the right bar. \\ You can also use the {{en:documentation:i78.png|}} "Position" icon in the main bar, which opens a dialog box to enter coordinates for the center of the chart. \\ If you want to see the sky below the horizon, use **Chart -> [[menuchart#below_the_horizon|Below the horizon]]** or the icon {{en:documentation:i70.png|}} in the object bar. \\ **//Advanced =>//** You can display a local horizon line, see the **Setup -> Observatory -> [[observatory#horizon|Horizon]]** dialog box. ===== Mirroring and rotating the chart ===== You can mirror horizontally, mirror vertically or rotate the chart right (clockwise) or left (counter clockwise) in steps of 15° at a time with **Chart -> [[menuchart#transformation|Transformation]]** or with the {{en:documentation:i15.png|}}, {{en:documentation:i17.png|}}, {{en:documentation:i22.png|}}, {{en:documentation:i21.png|}} icons in the left bar. \\ If you want to rotate in steps of 1°, keep a shift key pressed while clicking on one of the rotation icons. The {{en:documentation:i78.png|}} "Position" icon in the main bar also gives you the posabillity to rotate the chart with a precision of a degree. ===== Zooming in, zooming out ===== The width of the chart is called Field of Vision (FOV) and is given in degrees. By default, eleven FOVs are defined in //Cartes du Ciel-SkyChart//.\\ You can modifiy the FOV with the: * menu **Chart -> [[menuchart#field_of_vision|Field of Vision]]**, followed by your choice. * sensitive areas at the top of the bar at the right hand side. * menu **View -> [[menuview#zoom_in|Zoom in and Zoom out]]** or the +{{en:documentation:i6.png|}} and -{{en:documentation:i6.png|}} icons in the main bar which divide or multiply the FOV by two. * {{en:documentation:i6.png|}} icon in the main bar which opens a dialog box for a cursor driven variation of the FOV. * {{en:documentation:i78.png|}} icon in the main bar. The dialogbox enables you to set the center of the FOV with an accuracy of one second. * {{en:documentation:i42.png|}} icon in at the right hand side sets the FOV to 360°. **//Advanced =>//** You can modify the standard FOV ranges in the **Setup -> Chart, coordinates -> [[chart_coordinates#field_of_vision|Field of Vision]]** dialog box. ===== Labels ===== You can switch on/off the display of labels from the menu by **Chart -> [[menuchart#show_labels|Show labels]]** or with the {{en:documentation:label.jpg|}} icon in the object bar.\\ With the {{en:documentation:label_updt.jpg|}} icon in the object bar you can switch "edit label" mode on. Then you can modify a label: when you right-click on it, a contextual menu is displayed to move it, change its contents or hide it. **//Advanced =>//** In the **Setup -> Display -> [[display#labels|Labels]]** dialog box you can change fonts, font sizes and colors, choose the objects to be labeled, and if you wish, customize the standard contents. ===== Night Vision ===== To avoid a completely ruined night vision during your nocturnal observations, you can switch //Cartes du Ciel-SkyChart// to "Night Vision" (by the {{en:documentation:i82.png|}} icon in the main bar, or from the menu by **View -> [[menuview#night_vision|Night Vision]]**): The computer monitor will display a black background color and red shades for lines, labels and icons. ===== Search objects ===== You can search an object with the fast search input area {{en:documentation:recherche.jpg|}} on the main bar. Enter its common name or entire identifier (with the catalog id).\\ The {{en:documentation:i76.png|}} icon opens an advanced search dialog box in which you are helped to choose the catalog.\\ When the object is found, it will be displayed at the center of the chart (but not locked). ===== Lock Charts ===== This facility places the selected object in the center of the chart until you unlock it. You can lock a chart on an object when you right-click on this object followed by a left click on the line "Lock on ..." in the **[[pop_up_windows#the_chart_pop-up_window|pop-up menu]]**, or use the {{en:documentation:i80.png|}} icon in the object bar. ** Related to: **\\ The **Auto-refresh every** check-box. (Setup -> Date/Time, the Time tab) Locking and unlocking charts makes only sense when this checkbox is checked. Otherwise, the objects in your chart weren't moving at all. ===== Multiple Charts, Link ===== In //Cartes du Ciel-SkyChart// V3, you can open more than one chart in one instance of the application from the menu **File -> [[menufile#new_chart|New Chart]]** or the {{en:documentation:i0.png|}} icon in the main bar.\\ You can arrange your charts from the menu bar by clicking on **[[menuwindow|Window]]** and making your choice in the pull-down window, or by clicking the {{en:documentation:i4.png|}} {{en:documentation:i14.png|}} icons in the main bar.\\ Multiple charts can be linked, as a result all open charts will have the same coordinates for the center, regardless the scale (FOV) or other settings for each chart. All charts inherit the coordinates from the chart that is active at the moment you set the lock. To link the charts, use the {{en:documentation:i79.png|}} icon in the object bar. Or from the menu bar, click **Window**, and click on **Link all chart** in the pull-down. ===== Fields of eyepiece and CCD ===== You can display marks on the chart which depict eyepieces or CCD fields with the **Chart -> Lines/grids -> [[menuchart#lines_grid|Show mark]]** menu or icon {{en:documentation:i69.png|}} in the object bar.\\ These marks are scaled with the chart. **//Advanced =>//** You are encouraged to describe your eyepieces and CCD in a dialogbox invoked by **Setup -> Display -> [[display#finder_circle|Finder Circle and Finder rectangle]]**. A really handy feature to help you find your object. ===== Objects lists ===== You can choose the types of objects to be displayed on the chart by: * **Chart -> [[menuchart#show_objects|Show Objects]]** menu or * by the {{en:documentation:i56.png|}} {{en:documentation:i57.png|}} {{en:documentation:i58.png|}} {{en:documentation:i62.png|}} {{en:documentation:i60.png|}} {{en:documentation:i61.png|}} icons in the object bar or * from the menu **Setup -> Configure the program -> Chart, coordinates -> [[chart_coordinates#object_list|Object list]]**. You can obtain a full list of the objects displayed on the chart with the {{en:documentation:i46.png|}} icon in the main bar. A window is opened, you can sort the list by RA, print it or save it as a CSV file. ===== Detailed Information ===== When you select an object, the status bar on the bottom contains some information about it like the equatorial coordinates and the name. You can obtain more detailed information by a right-click on the object. In the pop-up window, choose the first entry **[[pop_up_windows#the_chart_pop-up_window|About ...]]**\\ In this detailed information window, you can choose to center the object or obtain a list of neighbouring objects (DE+/-1°, RA +/- 4m). This list is an exerpt of the global objects list. \\ \\ The fastest way to retrieve detailed information is to do a (left) click on the object of choice, and then a (left) click on the label. ===== Printing a chart ===== You can print the chart with the **File -> [[menufile#print|Print]]** dialog box or by the {{en:documentation:i3.png|}} icon in the main bar. **//Advanced =>//** You can convert your chart in postscript or bitmap format with the **File -> [[menufile#print_setup|Print setup]]** dialog box. ===== Saving and Restoring Charts ===== You can save your chart in //Cartes du Ciel-SkyChart// format (to restore it later) with **File -> [[menufile#save_as|Save as ...]]** or the {{en:documentation:i2.png|}} icon in the main bar.\\ You can also save your chart in a PNG file with **File -> [[menufile#save_image|Save image ...]]**. You can restore a saved chart in //Cartes du Ciel-SkyChart// format by **File -> [[menufile#open|Open]]** or the {{en:documentation:i1.png|}} icon in the main bar.