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SkyChart / Cartes du Ciel

Free software to draw sky charts

For use with Linux, Windows, macOS

Look at the News and Documentation for more information about this version.

Download the current stable version or the last beta version and please report any problem here.


This program enables you to draw sky charts, making use of the data in many catalogs of stars and nebulae. In addition the position of planets, asteroids and comets are shown.

The purpose of this program is to prepare different sky maps for a particular observation. A large number of parameters help you to choose specifically or automatically which catalogs to use, the colour and the dimension of stars and nebulae, the representation of planets, the display of labels and coordinate grids, the superposition of pictures, the condition of visibility and more. All these features make this celestial atlas more complete than a conventional planetarium.


The software itself is released under the GPL license.

You are free to use any chart or print produced by the program for any use, commercial or not (blog, web publication, printed book,…). You can mention Skychart and link to this page, but this is not required.

Want to help?

You can help the project in different way, no need to be a programmer.

  • Help other user by responding to question on the maillist.
  • Improve the program documentation.
  • Improve the program translation in your language.
  • We also welcome and appreciate your donations to help us with the costs of maintaining the web server and the compilation infrastructure.


Cartes du Ciel Version 3 uses Lazarus/FreePascal compiler and the following component :

The Libsql component to access the SQLite and MySQL database.

Synapse TCP/IP library, by Lukas Gebauer

EnhEdits by Paul Warren.

XML Parser .

If a JPL ephemeris file DExxx cannot be found, the planets calculation between -3000 and +3000 is based o­n plan404 by Steve Moshier.


Deepsky Astronomy Software is a very good planner software that integrates with Cartes du Ciel.
You can now get the full software and data for free.

Belorussian FAQ translation

Still using Win95/98/Me? This version does not work on these systems. The old version 2.76 that runs only with Windows is still available here but is not maintained any more.

en/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/19 20:51 by pch