View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002723SkyChart1-Softwarepublic24-06-24 08:11
Reporteroldherl Assigned To 
Status assignedResolutionopen 
PlatformPCOSLinuxOS Version64bit
Product Version4.3 beta 
Summary0002723: Make a new release?
DescriptionIt has been a long time since the last release. Is a new release on the plan?
TagsNo tags attached.


Patrick Chevalley

24-04-02 09:54

administrator   ~0008839

Yes it is planned for this year because this mark the 40 years since I started this project.
But I want to finish a big change with the catalog I am now half the way.

If need it is possible to install the current state of this future version using the beta :
or the daily build :


24-06-09 11:17

reporter   ~0008893

Thank you. However, could you please make a tag in the git repo for each beta version? It's for tracking the upstream source when packaging for Linux distributions. Currently only tarballs of source code could be found and they got deleted shortly after (!!), which makes it non-reproducible.

BTW, where could I find the history of this project? I started to use it from 2.76, but I can't find any info earlier than that now.

Patrick Chevalley

24-06-19 10:58

administrator   ~0008943

I have updated my script to tag the beta version, first test next Monday.

Patrick Chevalley

24-06-19 11:08

administrator   ~0008944

About the project history, the old version 2 site is still active.
You can read history 2001-2007 here:
and 1997-2001 here:
I not have writing record for the previous DOS version 1984-1997.


24-06-19 13:46

reporter   ~0008945

Thank you!

Patrick Chevalley

24-06-24 08:11

administrator   ~0008948

It look like this work:

Note a difference of this source file is it not include the documentation from the wiki.
This only make a difference if you run "make install_doc", with the github source it will start a long download of each file from the wiki.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
24-04-02 05:26 oldherl New Issue
24-04-02 09:54 Patrick Chevalley Status new => assigned
24-04-02 09:54 Patrick Chevalley Note Added: 0008839
24-06-09 11:17 oldherl Note Added: 0008893
24-06-19 10:58 Patrick Chevalley Note Added: 0008943
24-06-19 11:08 Patrick Chevalley Note Added: 0008944
24-06-19 13:46 oldherl Note Added: 0008945
24-06-24 08:11 Patrick Chevalley Note Added: 0008948