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The bar at the left



  • Set observatory location is a shortcut for Setup → Observatory.

Set date and time

  • Set date and time is a shortcut for Setup → Date / Time.


  • Configure the program is similar way to get to Setup.

Coordinate System group

  • Equatorial coordinate is a shortcut for Chart → Chart coordinate system → Equatorial coordinate.
  • Alt-Az coordinate is a shortcut for Chart → Chart coordinate system → Alt-Az coordinate.
  • Ecliptic coordinate is a shortcut for Chart → Chart coordinate system → Ecliptic coordinate.
  • Galactic coordinate is a shortcut for Chart → Chart coordinate system → Galactic coordinate.

Equinox and epoch settings can be done by Setup → Chart, Coordinates

Transformation Group

  • Miror horizontally is a shortcut for Chart → Transformation → Miror horizontally (the icon changes to red if the chart is mirrored).
  • Miror vertically is a shortcut for Chart → Transformation → Miror vertically (the icon changes to red if the chart is mirrored).
  • Rotate right rotates the chart 15° clockwise, is a shortcut for Chart → Transformation → Rotate right. See also Main bar → Position.
  • Rotate left rotates the chart 15° counter-clockwise, is a shortcut for Chart → Transformation → Rotate left. See also Main bar → Position.
  • Rotate by 180° is a shortcut for Chart → Transformation → Rotate by 180° This is how you can get mirror horizontally+vertically. (the icon changes to red if the chart is rotated).
  • Right click on any of this button to reset the orientation.
en/documentation/left_bar.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/11 12:00 by admin