GAIA DR3 | 2024/02/25 10:59 |
Cartes du Ciel is free software released under the terms of the
GNU General Public License
GAIA DR3 | 2024/02/25 10:59 |
Cartes du Ciel is free software released under the terms of the
GNU General Public License
To help you to select which star to observe tonight, the main windows show for each star in the current input file, the time of next minima and maxima and the estimated actual magnitude.
Click on a line to show the estimated light curve and your observation point. You may plot your own observation in VSNET format or data from AAVSO or AFOEV.
You may click on this graph to show the magnitude, change the color or the current period and print the graph. If you are connected to the Internet you can immediately get additional data from the AFOEV observation.
A mouse right click on a line of the main window show you a menu to open a field chart in CdC or on the AAVSO web site, or to enter a new observation.
Use the menu Help / Content to get the detail of the available options and the file format for the planning files.