Keyboard Shortcuts
Scale, Field of Vision
- +: Zoom in
- -: Zoom out
- 1, 2, …9, 0, a: predefined FOV range #
- Mousewheel push: Zoom in
- Mousewheel pull: Zoom out
- Continuous left mouse click with drag of the mouse cursor: select a zone to Zoom in
- Continuous left mouse click with drag of the mouse cursor: move the selected zone over the chart
- left-click in the selected zone: confirm the Zoom
For a precise form of control over the Field of Vision, see the lower part of View → Postion.
Directions and displacements
- n: Display the North horizon
- e: Display the East horizon
- s: Display the South horizon
- w: Display the West horizon
- z: Display the Zenith
- keyboard and numpad arrows (even diagonal): chart displacement in the direction of the arrow
- + Ctrl: faster displacement
- + Shift: slower displacement
- Mousewheel click and drag: chart displacement
- shift + left mouse key pressed and drag: chart displacement
For a precise positioning of your chart, see the upper part of View → Position.
The following is only applicable when the display of stars is set to parametric mode.
- ctrl + q: increase faint stars size
- ctrl + a: decrease faint stars size
- ctrl + w: increase brightness
- ctrl + s: decrease brightness
- ctrl + e: increase contrast
- ctrl + d: decrease contrast
- ctrl + r: increase color saturation
- ctrl + f: decrease color saturation
- ctrl + i: show/hide the background pictures
Object information and label
- left-click on an object: select the object, show label
- right-click on an object: object pop-up menu
While „edit label” mode is on:
- left-click on label: detailed information
- right-click on label: edit label pop-up menu
- F1: contextual help (These documents)
- F11: full screen
- ctrl + b: show/hide toolbars
- ctrl + c: copy chart to clipboard
- ctrl + tab: activate the next chart
hu/documentation/keyboard_shortcuts.txt · Utolsó módosítás: 2015/11/06 20:43 szerkesztette: