Viewing Issues 76 - 100 / 701

    PIDProjectSeverityStatusResolutionTarget VersionUpdated Summary
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed23-07-29Artificial Satellite Update returns a 404 error
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed23-06-22GUI window screen disappears after a white flashing window ...
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed23-06-15CDC closes after loading a newly created catalog
assigned (Patrick Chevalley)
open23-05-02Screen partially populated.
  0002602SkyChart minor
open23-05-02Meridian Line Now
not fixable23-04-08Est-il possible de récupérer le nom de l'objet en plus de ses coordonnées lors d'un goto (ASCOM Driver Template sous VB.NET)
fixed23-04-08Les planètes n'apparaissent pas sur la carte
assigned (Patrick Chevalley)
open23-03-21Entire interface is blurry on a 4K (Retina) monitor
open23-01-20Comet data details, dRA is wrong
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed22-12-09Sending Image to Planetarium via SAMP Crashes Skychart (eventually)
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed22-12-09Send Chart Center Coordinates
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed4.422-10-28server connection kept alive indefinitely
no change required22-10-21Sidereal Time seems to be 1 minute delayed.
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
no change required22-10-21Positions of minor Saturn Satellites are off
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed22-10-21Strange behaviour for catalog build with catgen
  0002544SkyChart feature
assigned (Patrick Chevalley)
open22-06-08Add support for ASCOM driver that work only in Alt/Az
no change required22-05-19Telescope chooser options not appearing in x64 version
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
no change required22-05-14Cartes du Ciel suddenly takes 40 secs to open when it used to take about 3.
no change required22-04-19Night mode? - not really quite there yet.
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed4.422-04-13Error when starting Ciel 4.3
fixed22-04-11Tweak for u_290.pas
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
fixed4.422-04-11HTTPS download do not work when only libssl version 3 is installed
unable to reproduce22-04-11Planisphere F3 reorients saved chart after "Set Chart" + Print
resolved (Patrick Chevalley)
won't fix22-04-11Comet 342P displayed behind the Sun during a transit