Installation on Ubuntu, Debian
Bellow installation procedure uses only command line approach, because this is the simpler way to follow instructions just by copy-pasting the commands in terminal.
This same procedure can be used with any system using deb packages (Debian, Mint, Raspbian, …)
CCDciel and it's dependency are available from the same repository as Skychart, but you need the unstable repository as long this program is in beta version only.
- Install the public key:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 8B8B57C1AA716FC2
- Add Skychart unstable repository:
sudo sh -c "echo deb unstable main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/skychart.list"
- Update repository:
sudo apt-get update
- Install CCDciel:
sudo apt-get install ccdciel
See also the list of the optional dependencies to install to take full advantage of the software.
Specific instruction for DSLR
To open DSLR raw files you need the library libpasraw to interface with LibRaw.
Unfortunately the LibRaw programming interface is not stable across LibRaw version, so libpasraw must be build specifically for your system or it not work.
For Ubuntu you can simply install libpasraw from this PPA:
then install with sudo apt-get install libpasraw
For a few other system you can find a package at:
For other system you need to compile and install libpasraw from source after installing the libraw-dev package. See
As a last resort you can install the libraw-bin or dcraw package, but this is less performant as it need to work with temporary files.