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Right click menu

The main menu Image, or a right click on the preview image to show the following menu:

Plate solving functions

The image will be resolved (plate solved) and if successful, the image position, pixel size and orientation will be saved in the FITS file.
Approximate coordinates are read from the FITS header to speedup the process. If this coordinates are not know you are prompted to enter an object name or the coordinates at the center of the image.
A second resolve request for the same image will use the saved solution, for example you can first show the image in the planetarium, and then slew to cursor without running the plate solver again.
Once the image is resolved the astronomical position of the mouse cursor will be displayed at the left bottom status bar in apparent coordinates.


Resolve the image using the astrometry software and load the solved image in the preview.
This force a new resolution even if the image is already solved, contrary to the other selection that reuse the existing solution.

The image show an arrow with the North direction, or a cross at the position of the Pole if in the image field.
You can show the J2000 RA/DEC of the cursor by moving the cursor on the image.
If you save the FITS file now it will include the astrometry solution.

Resolve and Slew to image center

Resolve the image using the astrometry software and if the resolution is successful move the telescope at the position of the image center.

This useful to center the telescope on an image taken on a previous session.

Resolve and Slew to cursor

Resolve the image using the astrometry software and if the resolution is successful move the telescope at the cursor position.

Can be useful to refine an object position but be careful of the mount backlash.

Resolve and Sync the mount

Resolve the image using the astrometry software and if the resolution is successful Sync the telescope at the current position.

If you use Eqmod for your telescope driver, this can be used to set the alignment points.

Resolve and Rotate

Resolve the image using the astrometry software and if the resolution is successful set the rotator angle to match the image orientation. The rotator must be calibrated before this function can work reliably.

Resolve and Sync the rotator

Resolve the image using the astrometry software and if the resolution is successful calibrate the rotator angle to match the celestial position angle.

Resolve and annotate DSO

Resolve the image using the astrometry software and if the resolution is successful draw the deep sky objects and bright star present in the image.

Resolve and annotate galaxies (Hyperleda)

This is the same as “annotate DSO” but using the Hyperleda database of more than 2 million galaxies.
You need to install the data separately before you can use this function.

Resolve and show image in planetarium

Resolve the image using the astrometry software and if the resolution is successful view the image in the planetarium.

Resolve and show image frame in planetarium

Resolve the image using the astrometry software and if the resolution is successful center the planetarium at the position and draw a frame of the CCD field.

View last resolver log

You can take a look at the output log of the astrometry resolver to help to solve a problem or to refine the performance.


This menu open a new photometry window with measurement of the star under the cursor.
You can let the window open and double click on another star to make a new measurement.

Preview functions

Preview preprocessing

Preprocess the current image with the loaded dark and flat frames.

Preview debayer

The default display mode for bayer matrix color images is set in the preview preference. You can switch between the two mode with this menu.

When checked, debayer and display the color image if the current image is a raw color image with bayer matrix.

When unchecked , display the raw image in black/white.

Image inspection

Show the image inspection overlay for the current image.

Image cleanup

Remove any marking and redraw the image.

Unselect star

Unselect the marked star show in the Focus / Star profile tool.

en/documentation/right_click_menu.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/17 11:01 by pch