Reference Manual
Reference Manual
Open the Capture tab and set the required options:
You can also choose to dither between exposures and to regularly adjust the auto-focus.
Dither introduces a small artificial cyclic drift typically required for CMOS sensors when imaging very faint objects. It helps to smoothen out unequal sensitivity of the individual pixels. Leave his option off in the beginning
Binning combines pixels if they are too small to record any details and reduces noise. Typically you set this on 1×1 or for large sensors on 2×2.
If you have a filter wheel you can specifiy the filter to use.
You can specify the frame dimensions if you don't want to use the full sensor surface.
If you have a rotator the green/red light indicate if it is calibrated or not. Then you can set the rotation angle.
And if you can control the CCD temperature enter the desired value in Setpoint, and click the Set button.
When all settings are correct click on the START button to start capturing.
The telescope box will indicate the telescope position, the park and tracking status and the remaining time to reach the meridian.
The status bar shows the image number (count) in progress and the remaining exposure time
After each exposure is finished, the image is shown and the file is saved according the settings. A message in the status bar indicates the last saved file
it will continue for the number of exposures (=count) set.
After finishing you could change the filter and start the next series. Or automate it fully using a sequence.